Friday, July 15, 2011

The Pitch

Welcome to my Interactive Game Prototyping blog. In this blog you will get to follow me from start to finish as I journey into creating 2 fully fledged nex-gen characters. Each week I will update the world on my progress and all the accomplishments and hurdles that come with the journey. Below is my pitch for what I plan to do.

1.      Where do you excel as a designer, and how can your game prototyping project to show off your strengths – for your portfolio?
·         As a designer I want to focus on game characters and present that as my main piece for my portfolio.
·         I want to use this class to improve my skills and create fully developed pieces that I can present to a potential employer.
2.      Define your project goal for this class – in terms of your focus.
·         My project goal for this class is to have at least two fully developed and clothed characters with a single hard surfaced weapon to go along with one of the characters. If time permits and I achieve these two characters before the end of this class I would like to create one more character that is more stylized and perhaps more creature like.
3.      Indicate target audience. Who are you designing for?
·         My target audience will be quite broad most likely towards the ages of 17-27. The characters I plan to create will be on the realistic heroic side which is known to appeal to this age group.
4.      How will pursuing this audience uphold your personal focus as a designer?
·         Pursuing this audience will most definitely uphold my personal focus as a designer since I take great interest in realistic heroic characters.
5.      Define the goal of the game – the player’s goal. What is the player playing for?
·         What are they to achieve? The players goal as they would take control of the character that I am going to create is to defeat and bring justice and peace to the world by defeating the forces of evil that plague humanity.
6.      Describe the essential game mechanic – the toy – the makes the game fun. What is the theme or essential metaphor around the gameplay is centered?
·         The essential game mechanic that makes this fun would be the ability to take control of this character as he bashes his foes to a pulp. Ex. Batman Gotham City.
7.      What is the game genre? What are you planning to do that is new, or will add something to this genre?
·         The game genre is an action/adventure. I plan to allow the player to have interactive combat mechanics that are not only fun to use but graphically interesting.
8.      Provide the basic story, the main characters, and their essential function in the game. Does the story power gameplay? How?
·         There are two main characters, Roy Shield and Jennifer Storm. The story is based in present day where the antagonists has destroyed and corrupted the city. Roy and Jennifer team up to restore peace to the city and bring justice. The story is what directs these characters as they attempt to dismantle the antagonists hold on the city.
9.      How does this project idea uphold your personal focus as a designer?
·         This project idea upholds my personal focus as a designer in the sense that this project includes many aspects that I find very interesting and because of this it fuels my desire to create and achieve my project goals.

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